Since the beginning of 2021, we have been partnering with Ministry of Education to deliver Ka Ora, Ka Ako Healthy Lunches Programme to schools across Tāmaki Makaurau.

 The program aims to give every tamariki and rangatahi within its scope the opportunity to have a healthy and delicious free lunch at school, five days a week, without judgment or question.

“Around one in five children in New Zealand live in households that struggle to put enough good-quality food on the table. In communities facing greater socio-economic barriers, 40% of parents run out of food sometimes or often.”

Our partnerships currently extend to:

5 Schools in South Auckland

13,000 meals per week

We believe Ka Ora, Ka Ako is not only an opportunity to feed tamariki every day, but as research shows, it helps towards reducing food insecurity, it improves their wellbeing, supports learning and addresses barriers to their participation in education and attendance at school.

We are passionate about the nutritional values of each meal, as well as making something that kids will love! To this end we have worked closely with a team of Ministry of Education nutritionists and health experts to establish our menu, with a strong focus on sustainability and minimising waste. 

Our menu is seasonal and focuses on ensuring there is a variety of cold and hot meals across the week, tailoring the ratios according to the colder or warmer months. We have worked hard to collaborate with every school to ensure that this program is a success.

Have a look at our sample menu below!

If you are interested in partnering with us to bring Healthy Lunches to your tamariki and rangatahi, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

If your school does not qualify for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako programme, we would still love to hear from you!